Thursday, August 11, 2011

It's been a while...

When I first started this blog I thought it would be the easiest thing to keep updated.  Well this summer has been quite intersting!  ;)  Tomorrow is my last "Official" day of summer babysitting.  :-/  I have to watch the Marcucci boys at they're house one day next week, and that's it!  I can't believe it!  It seems like it was just May, and now it's almost mid-August.  In some ways I am kinda glad of no more babysitting. It was stressful this year since a certain little fellow has become quite...bad this past year!  ;)  The down's are-- school is soon to start, which means fall is near.  :-/  I know several people who love fall, but I don't care for it, at all.  :)  Shorter days, not being able to walk barefoot outside, leaves dying, getting old, etc.  But there are some things to still look forward to this summer...  Mr. and Mrs. Corbett coming up here, possibly (and hopefully!!!) Steven and Anna...and Eva (:)) too; Spanish Camp; a certain "hobby" (I guess that would be a good word!) that I'm really excited about starting. ;) ;) ;)

These past few weeks I haven't used my camera much, but there were some things that I enjoyed capturing of my summer. :)
For one, this purse. ;) Mrs. Bohac (an extremely talented seamstress) made this for me! It's one of my favorites!..even though I used to tease ladies with big purses! ;)

This was a hot and dry this sky was SO nice to see, though it didn't rain that day! :P 
We gave my mom a surprise party for her birthday...
One of the best things of this summer is that Ava is here! :D
He makes me laugh so hard at times... I have no idea where that face came from! ;)

I also learned how to make him take a nap, too. I just put on a movie that is uninteresting to him (in this case, One Six Right) I sometimes put on Andy Griffith or something like that...and it works!

There were some awesome clouds out one night...

This summer has also been a great time for me to learn.  One thing that I've finally concluded and am at peace with is--God's way is always best.  No matter how much I think it would be better my way, He's got a purpose and has taught me much this past summer and year.  At times I do feel like things are being ripped away from my heart (such as dear friends moving), but He knows what He's doing and that's that.   :)