Thursday, February 24, 2011


At IBA this week, it is Spirit "Days" :P 
Kent wanted his face painted, but we couldn't find the face paint anywhere, so I decided to google it to see if there was anyway to make home-made facepaint. :) 

Well I found out that you can, and I'm pretty sure a lot of people already know that, but I'm really behind on some things. 
I only had Wilton food coloring, and yes, I know that it stains, so I thought "maybe it won't" and after Kent got his face painted (Notice: I wasn't going to paint him.) and when he washed it off, I would take some baking soda to scrub it off and some, um... bleach ;P if that didn't work. Then I thought of how horrible I was going to feel having had Kent paint his face with stuff that'll stain, so I decided I was going to try it on myself. A wise friend told me that I should try it on my leg, in case it did stain. I'm glad she said that! I was just about to put it on my face, and guess what - it did stain! :P 
To conclude, I found the real paint, and now Kent's going to use that. :) 
I didn't want my wonderful paint to go to waste, so I had a little 'art' class ;)

1 tsp. of cornstarch
1/2 tsp cold otion
1/2 - 1 tsp water
food coloring

just mix it all together. :)
 Wilton does stain skin.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's day!

Since yesterday I've been remembering a blog post I read about a month ago...

Happy Valentine's Day!! :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


A friend posted this on buzz a long while back. I wrote it down and I ran across it this week while cleaning out a drawer.

Thy way, not mine, O Lord,
However dark it be;
Lead me by Thine own hand,
Choose out the path for me.

Smooth let it be or rough,
It will be still the best;
Winding or straight, it leads
Right onward to Thy rest.

I dare not choose my lot;
I would not, if I might;
Choose Thou for me, my God,
So I shall walk aright.

Take Thou my cup, and it
With joy or sorrow fill,
As best to Thee may seem;
Choose Thou my good and ill.

Choose Thou for me my friends,
My sickness or my health;
Choose Thou my cares for me
My poverty or wealth.

The kingdom that I seek
Is Thine: so let the way
That leads to it be Thine,
Else I must surely stray.

Not mine, not mine the choice
In things or great or small;
Be Thou my guide, my strength
My wisdom, and my all.

--Horatious Bonar

Thursday, February 3, 2011


My sweet niece turned two Jan. 26. It's kinda hard to believe! :)

She came over today, and we (*cough, I) had fun taking a few pictures of her. She was pretty tired of pictures after the first few, hence the fake smiles on some of them! :)

The flash shocked her the first time.

My favorite

Trying to escape ;)