Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Birthday

This year, my day started out a little sad, but then was really one of the best! ;) 

A few weeks ago, my straightner quit on me,...while I was getting ready for church. :) It was quite the morning!  So I had been making my hair curly or just in a braid. My parents already got an awesome, uh, expensive (=/!), wonderful gift...then my mom said she was running to the store, and normally she asks if I want to go with her, but this time she didn't.
When she came back, this is what she had with her! 

The day before, I had been looking at some straighteners at Walmart, and was planning on trying to get the cheapest one there.  This was one of the expensive ones there! I glanced at it a few times in the store, but knew I was definitely not going to buy it! I guess she saw me staring! ;)

The Amadiz were going to take me n my brother Kent out to eat later on... we had planned it for a while. I wasn't expecting anything different, till I got in the car...and look who they brought!! :D

Kent very much enjoyed his food!

This was after he ate...can you tell? ;)
These next few pictures...just really describe Mario! :) We were trying to get a pic of them, but, well, see for yourself! ;)
*all these were taken by Hannah

The best...or should I say the worst? ;)

The only good one!

There were several people there with birthdays...and they were getting sang to. I wasn't expecting anything at all. Mario was doing something silly, so I started a video, and right in the middle of it, some waiters came out and sang! :)  

Thanks to Hannah for the pic! :) Oh, and inside that bag, was a beautiful necklace from the Amadiz :) Chosen by Daymari. ;)

Only Mario...

We walked around in the mall and they took us to Starbucks. :)

We tried several times to get his picture, but I couldn't keep a straight face!

Afterwards, Mario gave us a "tour" of AAFB. ;) I can't believe they're moving Monday. Tomorrow is my last day to see them. :( :( *deep sigh*

Thanks so much to the Amadiz n Hannah for such a fun night! And of course to everyone else who made my day! ;)

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